Approved Ingredients
"Helping Your Mouth Feel Its Best, Naturally"TM

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Since 1997
A father helps a son.
Now PERI-GUM® helps the World!

Over 20 years ago, I went for a regular dental checkup. I was told my gums were in such bad shape that my teeth need to be removed or they would probably fall out. I had over 10, 12 , and 15mm deep gums pockets throughout my mouth.
After a second dentist’s opinion, I was sent to a periodontist who diagnosed me with severe gum infection and periodontal (gum) disease. The periodontist treated me with an antibiotic and deep cleanings, but after the infection was treated he told me I will still lose most of my teeth and needed surgery to reduce the depth of the gum pockets.
After hearing this and knowing my father has been studying Natural Healing for many years, I asked him what natural methods were available.
After researching, my dad combined several herbal extracts and essential oils reported to be beneficial to gum health. He told me to mix it with water and rinse with it morning and night.
I was skeptical at first, but figured I had nothing to lose except his teeth!
A few weeks later, I went back to the periodontist for a checkup and cleaning. The periodontist noted the pockets had been reduced a little and the gums looked healthier, but I would still need surgery.
I said to the periodontist, “Let’s wait till my next checkup”.
A few weeks later, I went back to the periodontist for another checkup and cleaning. The periodontist noted the pockets had been reduced a little more and the gums looked even better, but I would still need surgery.
I said to the periodontist, “Let’s wait till my next checkup”. Maybe the stuff was working.
A few weeks later, at my next cleaning and checkup, the periodontist noticed the pockets had gone down now quite a bit. A big improvement, but surgery would still be needed.
Again, I said, “Let’s wait”.
At my next checkup, the pockets were even more reduced and my gums were pink and healthy. The periodontist was pleased with the progress. We both agreed surgery was no longer needed.
What’s amazing is that my gum pockets receded and overall gum health improved without surgery.
This happened to me over 20 years ago. I still use PERI-GUM® as part of my regular oral hygiene.
My gums are pink and healthy.
I have not had a cavity in over 20 years and I still have all of his teeth.
At first, we only shared PERI-GUM® Herbal Mouthwash with family, neighbors, and friends. But when they told their families and friends, we could not meet the demand without help.
We patented PERI-GUM® Herbal Mouthwash and found a FDA registered herbal company to make enough to meet the demand.
Thousands of People all over the World now use PERI-GUM® Herbal Mouthwash.
We know PERI-GUM® Herbal Mouthwash is helping them by all the positive reviews, letters of gratitude and repeat business we received from Loyal Customers.
Now that’s the Power of PERI-GUM®!!!
Check out the Dental X-rays that show difference PERI-GUM® HAS MADE!